Bagaimana Membuat Braised Pork Belly with Preserved Vegetable yang Sempurna

Dipos pada August 6, 2021

Braised Pork Belly with Preserved Vegetable

Hi Mommy, yuk praktek untuk buat Braised Pork Belly with Preserved Vegetable yang simple Cara membuatnya tidak terlalu susah. jangan terburu-buru ya, kalau salah proses dan bahan rasanya nanti tidak enak. Padahal Braised Pork Belly with Preserved Vegetable yang lezat akan mengeluarkan aroma dan cita rasa yang akan membangkitakan selera.

Kemungkinan ada beberapa sebab yang biasanya bisa mempengaruki kenikmatan dari Braised Pork Belly with Preserved Vegetable, antara lain: kualitas bahan, metode memasak, proses memasak, kualitas bumbu, dan proses penyajian. Tidak usah pusing kalau ingin menyiapkan Braised Pork Belly with Preserved Vegetable enak di rumah, karena asal sudah tahu triknya maka hidangan ini dapat jadi suguhan spesial.

Ga mesti ikut bahan-bahannya, boleh kok ditambah variasinya sesuai selera untuk resep Braised Pork Belly with Preserved Vegetable sendiri di rumah. Bahan-bahan sederhana yang mudah ditemukan, masakan ini mungkin akan menambah kehangatan dan kenikmatan dirumah. Anda bisa membuat Braised Pork Belly with Preserved Vegetable memakai 21 jenis bahan dan 19 langkah pembuatan. Ikuti langkah-langkah dibawah ini ya.

Recipe Amanda Tastes

Bahan-bahan dan bumbu yang perlu dipersiapkan untuk membuat Braised Pork Belly with Preserved Vegetable:

  1. For Boiling:
  2. 500 gr Pork Belly
  3. 3 slices Ginger, thinly sliced
  4. For Marinating:
  5. 1/2 tbsp Dark soy sauce
  6. For Sauteing:
  7. 3 tbsp Light soy sauce
  8. 1 tsp Dark soy sauce
  9. 1 tbsp Rice wine
  10. 1 tsp Sesame oil
  11. 1 tsp Sugar
  12. 1/4 tsp White pepper
  13. 50 gr Preserved vegetable
  14. 2 cm Ginger, grated
  15. 3 cloves Garlic, grated
  16. 3 Bay leaves
  17. 2 Star anises
  18. 1-2 cup Water
  19. For Finisihing:
  20. 1 tsp Corn starch
  21. 1 stalk Green onion, chopped

Langkah-langkah untuk membuat Braised Pork Belly with Preserved Vegetable

Boiling: Put the pork belly with skin on top into the pot with thin sliced ginger, then add submerging the meat. Boil until completely cooked about 15 minutes (occasionally flip the pork belly). Take out the pork belly.
While it is hot, stab some tiny holes on the skin in order to let the flavor soak in more and easier to fry loose.
Use dark soy sauce to add color, rub it evenly on all sides.
Then using a strainer, dry the seasoned pork belly (with skin on top). We need to dry it until there is no moisture left on the skin.
While waiting, soak the preserved vegetable with hot water until soft.
After the pork skin is dry, fry it in a pot with a little bit oil. Place in the pork skin down. Be careful because the oil easily splashes, so tightly cover with lid. We need to fry the skin for about 5 minutes on medium low heat, then turn off the heat. Wait until the temperature decreases, then open the lid.
Marinating: Add dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, rice wine, sesame oil, sugar and white pepper, mix it all together.
Once the pork belly is cooler, slice into thick uniformed slices (about 6 mm).
Pour the previously made seasoning sauce on the sliced pork belly. Pour the sauce between the slices as well. Let sit so that the sauce can soak into the meat.
Sauteing: Wring out the water from the soaked preserved vegetable. Thinly chop them to improve texture. Heat the pan with oil, add grated ginger and garlic and saute until fragrant. Add the chopped preserved vegetable and well mixed. Add bay leaves and star anises and fry for a while. Pour the excess seasoning sauce from the meat into the pan. Add some water and simmer on low for 3-5 minutes. Take out bay leaves and star anises, set aside to be used again later. Turn off the heat.
Preheat oven for 300Β°F and place a tray with water for au bain marie.
Organize the pork belly neatly in a separate bowl with skin down, then spoon the cooked preserved vegetable onto the meat covering all the meat evenly. Place the bay leaves and star anises on top.
Cover the pork belly with aluminum foil and place the bowl into the oven, steam for approximately 30 minutes.
Take out the bay leaves and star anises. Pour off the broth in the bowl. Set aside.
Place a plate upside down over the bowl and quickly flip over.
Pour the strained off broth into a pot, then thicken it slightly with corn starch mixed with water.
Remove the bowl from the covered meat, then pour the thickened broth on top.
It is best to let it rest overnight in order to make the flavor soak into the meat.
Sprinkle on some green onion before serving. Done.

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