Bagaimana Menyiapkan Wild boar steak with seared oyster mushroom and peanut pesto yang Anti Gagal

Dipos pada April 24, 2021

Wild boar steak with seared oyster mushroom and peanut pesto

Hi Mommy, yuk praktek untuk buat Wild boar steak with seared oyster mushroom and peanut pesto yang lezat Cara membuatnya memang susah-susah gampang. Usahakan relax dan santai membuatnya ya, agar rasa yang dihasilkan menjadi nikmat dan sempurna. Biasanya Wild boar steak with seared oyster mushroom and peanut pesto yang enak harusnya sih memiliki aroma dan rasa yang mampu memancing selera kita.

Banyak hal yang sedikit banyak berpengaruh terhadap kualitas rasa dari Wild boar steak with seared oyster mushroom and peanut pesto, antara lain: kualitas bahan, metode memasak, proses memasak, kualitas bumbu, dan proses penyajian. Tidak usah pusing kalau ingin menyiapkan Wild boar steak with seared oyster mushroom and peanut pesto bisa dirumah atau rumah keluarga, karena lebih menguasai situasi penyajian dan dapat lebih maksimal.

Perkiraan porsi dari bahan dibawah untuk membuat Wild boar steak with seared oyster mushroom and peanut pesto kira-kira 1 porsi. Jadi pastikan porsi ini cukup untuk dihidangkan untuk anda sendiri maupun keluarga tersayang.

Mumpung masih ingat nih, waktu yang diperlukan dalam memasak Wild boar steak with seared oyster mushroom and peanut pesto diperkirakan sekitar 30 menit.

Nah, kali ini kita coba, yuk, variasikan Wild boar steak with seared oyster mushroom and peanut pesto dengan kreasi dan ide kreative kamu sendiri. Meskipun tidak menggunakan bahan premium, hidangan ini pastinya akan sangat nikmat jika dinikmati bersama keluarga. Anda bisa membuat Wild boar steak with seared oyster mushroom and peanut pesto memakai 8 jenis bahan dan 8 langkah pembuatan. Begini cara pembuatannya.

The main idea of this dish is to create a refined food, from diverse plants, fungi, and animal meat from Indonesia. This dish is a western dish created with Indonesian sourced materials and using ingredients which are rarely used like wild boar as a source of protein in this dish, and creating an Indonesian version of walnut pesto by replacing basil with Indonesian spinach and peanuts, as well as creating a crispy element by making tempe crips, which is also served with seared oyster mushroom cooked in a western style. Conservation message: Indonesia is a country with one of the most diverse plants, animals, and even mushrooms. Mushrooms are one of the most eco-friendly species which grow on agricultural and urban waste and can grow almost anywhere with a limited supply of water and hydration. All things considered, mushrooms are a good source of fiber which provides the daily need with one serving, as well as having a very low-fat content with some calcium and protein in it. Wild boar is one of the most common animals found in forests and mountains of Indonesia. Although wild boar is well known, it is not usually consumed. The effects of overpopulation of wild boar compared to its habitat might spark problems that can greatly affect community structure and ecosystem function. The primary destructive habits of wild boar may reduce plant cover, diversity, and regeneration. Moreover, the destruction of other animalโ€™s habitats and livestock might affect the animal community.

Bahan-bahan dan bumbu yang perlu dipersiapkan untuk membuat Wild boar steak with seared oyster mushroom and peanut pesto:

  1. 150 g wild boar
  2. 30 g oyster mushroom
  3. 2 tbsp butter
  4. 50 g spinach
  5. 2 tbsp cheddar cheese
  6. 3 tbsp roasted peanut
  7. 25 g tempe
  8. 4 tbsp garlic infused oil

Langkah-langkah untuk membuat Wild boar steak with seared oyster mushroom and peanut pesto

Slice tempe to very thin slices.
Wild boar steak with seared oyster mushroom and peanut pesto - Step 1
Shallow fry tempe until golden brown and crispy.
Wild boar steak with seared oyster mushroom and peanut pesto - Step 2
Blanch spinach for 30 seconds, and rinse in ice water.
Wild boar steak with seared oyster mushroom and peanut pesto - Step 3
Pound the peanut, when it's well-grounded add spinach and gradually add garlic infused oil and continue pounding until it forms a paste, and lastly add cheese.
Wild boar steak with seared oyster mushroom and peanut pesto - Step 4
Wild boar steak with seared oyster mushroom and peanut pesto - Step 4
Sear mushroom until golden brown, when its cooked turn of the heat and add a tablespoon of butter and garlic for basting.
Wild boar steak with seared oyster mushroom and peanut pesto - Step 5
Wild boar steak with seared oyster mushroom and peanut pesto - Step 5
Sear the boar meat in a hot pan with almost smoking oil to sear it perfectly, and turn off the heat and baste it with a tablespoon of butter. (rest steak for 5-10 minutes)
Wild boar steak with seared oyster mushroom and peanut pesto - Step 6
Wild boar steak with seared oyster mushroom and peanut pesto - Step 6
Wild boar steak with seared oyster mushroom and peanut pesto - Step 6
Chop the crispy tempe roughly, and plate it.
Wild boar steak with seared oyster mushroom and peanut pesto - Step 7
Wild boar steak with seared oyster mushroom and peanut pesto - Step 7

Resep Lain Yang Perlu Anda Coba

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Sate Pentol/Sate Lilit (Full meat)

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