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Wie man Köchin Appetitlich Pastel Macaron

Pastel Macaron. Lovely pastel colored macarons are perfect for weddings or other spring/summer parties, and these macarons are super easy to make. Just make sure to use egg whites that are at room temperature. Pastel Macaron「パステルマコロン」 is a cute type brand.

Pastel Macaron Pastel Macaron is a cute brand, that aims to recreate the feeling of happiness you get whilst eating homemade sweets! Just as pastries make people happy and smile, Pastel Macaron introduces pastry-inspired clothing for people to wear and smile Become a happy sweet 🙂 by Pastel Macaron products 😉 Instagram @ pastelmacaron.fashion.pastry. Beautiful pastel clay macaron all hand-sculpted from cold porcelain clay including the decoration parts. Menschen kann machen Pastel Macaron using 7 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Pastel Macaron

  1. Bereiten 60 gr of putih telur.
  2. Bereiten 125 gr of icing sugar.
  3. Bereiten 30 gr of almond powder.
  4. Bereiten 1/2 sdm of maizena.
  5. Bereiten Secukupnya of pewarna ungu dan pink.
  6. Bereiten of Isian:.
  7. Es ist 50 gr of white choco chip lelehkan.

Vintage box of pastel colored French macarons or macaroons Sweet colorful French macaroon biscuits on yellow pastel background, top view. My photo, aka the macarons I made for Valentine's Day! (Well technically for all of February!) Loading. Download Pastel macaron stock photos at the best stock photography agency with millions of premium high quality, royalty-free stock photos, images and pictures at reasonable prices. Check out Pastel-Macaron's art on DeviantArt.

Pastel Macaron Anleitung

  1. Saring tepung almond dan maizena 2x kemudian sisihkan.
  2. Mixer putih telur dgn speed sedang sambil masukan icing sugar bertahap kemudian tingkatkan speed maximal, kocok -/+ 14 menit atau saat dibalik adonan putih telur tidak jatuh/ tumpah.
  3. Masukkan tepung almond, maizena bertahap aduk dgn spatula hingga tercampur dgn adonan putel.
  4. Masukkan pewarna aduk cepat dng tehnik aduk balik (-/+ 20 x) atau sampai adonan meninggalkan jejak seperti pita..
  5. Masukkan adonan di plastik segitiga lalu semprotkan pada matras macaron.
  6. Hentak2 kan adonan agar udara di dalam macaron keluar, diamkan sampai adonan kering sentuh di jari (saya +/- 1 jam krn sedang hjn) kalau cuaca cerah biasanya 15-20 menit udah kering.
  7. Panggang di oven 150• yang sudah dipanaskan sebelumnya, letakkan di rak bawah panggang 20 menit, apabila adonan benar maka di menit ke 7 si kaki macaron sudah muncul.
  8. Diamkan di oven 3 menit, keluarkan biarkan dingin.
  9. Isi dgn white choco chip yg sudah di lelehkan.

Browse the user profile and get inspired. Pastel Macaron – Keyboard ThemeInstall Keyboard Theme with cute keyboard now! Get your hands on these adorable little macarons made with pastel colors. They are a good size for charms and as decoden pieces. You can easily make these into charms by drilling a hole.

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