Resep: Sempurna Creamchesse marble brownies

Creamchesse marble brownies. Cream Cheese Marbled Brownies – rich, fudgy, chocolaty brownies topped with swirled cream cheese are simply hard to resist. Spoon cream cheese mixture in mounds on top of chocolate batter. Using a table knife or narrow metal spatula, gently swirl the cream cheese mixture into the chocolate batter to marble.

Creamchesse marble brownies Zigzag a wide knife through the batter to marble swirl it. Spread half of cocoa batter into pan. These cream cheese marble brownies are a spiced up version of a regular boxed brownie mix. Mommy dapat menyajikan Creamchesse marble brownies melalui 10 resep dan 8 caranya. beginilah caranya menyelesaikannya.

Ingredients of Creamchesse marble brownies

  1. Kamu perlu 2 butir dari telur ayam.
  2. Kamu perlu 100 gr dari tepung terigu protein sedang.
  3. Siapkanlah 30 gr dari coklat bubuk.
  4. Siapkanlah 70 gr dari margarin.
  5. Inilah 20 ml dari minyak goreng.
  6. Kamu perlu 140 gr dari gula pasir halus.
  7. Kamu perlu 160 gr dari dark cooking chocolate.
  8. Siapkanlah 250 gr dari creamchesse.
  9. Kamu perlu 1 butir dari telur.
  10. Siapkanlah 30 gr dari gula pasir halus.

Cream Cheese Marbled Brownies Adapted liberally from Cook's Illustrated. Pour cream cheese mixture over, then second half of brownie batter. Swirl the batters together decoratively with the tip of a knife. Marbled cream cheese brownies are a quick and easy dessert that you'll want to have on hand for when unexpected guests stop by.

Creamchesse marble brownies instruksinya

  1. Campur tepung terigu dan coklat bubuk,sisihkan..
  2. Tim margarin,minyak dan dcc sampai leleh. Biarkan sampai hangat..
  3. Campur telur dan gula pasir halus dengan whisk sampai gula larut. Masukkan coklat tim yg sudah hangat td (jgn masih panas krna telur akan matang) aduk rata sampai adonan kental.
  4. Masukkan campuran tepung dan coklat bubuk,aduk rata..
  5. Kocok creamchesse dgn mixer sampai lembut,masukkan telur dan gula halus. Kocok sampai rata..
  6. Siapkan loyang ukuran 20x20cm alasi dgn kertas roti dan olesi dgn margarin. Panaskan oven dgn suhu 175c..
  7. Tuang 3/4 adonan brownies kedalam cetakan,ratakan. Tuang adonan creamchesse diatasnya,dan tuang sisa adonan brownies diatas creamchesse. Buat seperti motif marble dgn menggunakan sumpit..
  8. Panggang dalam oven suhu 175c api atas bawah kurang lebih 40 menit sampai matang..

Pour cream cheese mixture over, then second half of brownie batter. Swirl the batters together decoratively with the tip of a knife. A decadent fudgy brownie marbled with a cherry cheesecake topping. Enjoy with a cold glass of milk. Pour Cherry Cream Cheese over chocolate batter in pan.

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